As is known, the three islands in the region of West Sumatra had it offered on the site www.privateislandsonline.com. Macaroni Island, Island and Island Siloinak labeled Kandui 'for sale' and dibandrol each for 1.6 million U.S. dollars, 4 million Americans and 8 million U.S. dollars.
Numberi directly expressed his disappointment over the explanation obtained from the regents. "Regent provides explanations, of the three islands that only one who has obtained license rights to the business. Meanwhile, two others in the process but have built resorts on the island. Regent fact that he did not know because the entrepreneurs were in people to people. They met the head of customs and there occurs the process of disposing of customary land, "said Freddy Numberi in his press conference in his office, Jakarta, Wednesday (26 / 8).
Freddy explains, should be able to know the regents on the island was built resorts. Fredy blame regent because he should prohibit the construction of the resort because there is no permission. "Must be corrected by the local government. Permission is right to cultivate, but not the whole island, only a few acres," he said.
Based on information obtained from the magistrate, was said Fredy, magistrate denied the news that mentions the island were sold to foreigners.
"They just renting, and then they sublease to someone else. That said regents," he explained.
Freddy repeatedly deplored the use of the licensing process of the island by foreign businessmen. Moreover, he headed the department had not been getting reports of spatial allocation of the islands in question.
Separately, House Speaker Agung Laksono rate, repetition anymore sales efforts of the islands of Indonesia is a form of insult to the sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia territory. He urged that the authorities immediately grasp the seller island. "The seller should be arrested," he said.
Same with Freddy, Regent Court also blame the Mentawai that should be maintaining the integrity of its territory under foreign domination. "Because the state's assets. Emang have ancestors?" blazing.
While Governor of West Sumatra in Padang, Fauzi Gamawan asserted that it was never allowed to sell Siloinak Island, Macaroni and Kandui located in the constellation of the Mentawai Islands regency, West Sumatra. "How could sell Siloinak Island, Macaroni and Kandui that, because the local government never allowed to sell it," said Gamawan Fauzi, Wednesday (26 / 8).
According to him, the utilization of outer islands were not only in terms of economic interests alone. There are other things more the principle of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia to be a fundamental consideration in the utilization of these same islands. The basic principle that applies not only to the Mentawai Islands District, but also applies to all districts that have the outer islands like the South Coastal District.
Meanwhile, Chairman of the House of Representatives Commission I Theo Sambuaga Affairs Mardiyanto urged party advertisers investigate and prosecute www.privateislandsonline.com site owner.
"House of Representatives Commission I urge the Minister Mardiyanto should immediately check the truth of the Mentawai island there is no position where. If there is, and the transaction is processed, the minister must demand that the International Court," said Theo.
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