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Sunday, 30 December 2012

HMI Joint Seminar Moderate Islam

DUMAI - DumaiToday - Birth of hardline Islam is not a form of Islamic disunity. It is only a manifestation of a different perspective thinking. Even so, Islam remains one.

Chairman of the Islamic Ulama Council (MUI) Dumai City, Lukman Sharif MA, exposing groups of Muslims thought that the workshop sponsored Islamic Students Association (HMI) Branch Dumai, Saturday (29/12). Located at the Comfort Hotel, themed workshops that shared understanding of moderate Islam.

"The radical Islamic groups and Islamic groups Liberal birth because of differences of thought from different angles. Islamic Group is a middle of the moderate Islam and radical Islam Liberal," said Lukman Sharif.

Islamic thought can be summed up as the idea or thought pieces Islamic thinkers or scholars bersumberkan al-Quran and al-Sunnah to address the problems of man and society which arise due to different kinds of factors. Moderate Islam is an idea that was born due to the two other thoughts.

Lukman mengibaratkannya with three people who were describing an elephant in the dark suana. One depicts an elephant's trunk berbetuk because the person is just holding the trunk gajah.Orang both describing the same elephant ears only.

Huslnul Hadi, boarding school teachers Abi Yazid al-Bustami Dumai, describing the formation of Moderate Islam is a manifestation of the class who do not want any violence. who had thought was in the tentgah between Islam and radical Islam Liberal.

Branch Chairman HMI Dumai, Eria Chandara have hope to hold the event, the public perception that participants were more focused and simplicity in view of Islam. "We are aware of global guidance requires Muslims to be more modern but does not rule out Islam as the religion of nature," he said.

Followed by hundreds of students, students and other young people, saraseran which lasted until mid-day walk lively. (dto)

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