In confirmation of DKP with West Sumatra provincial government to third-party managers of resorts and islands PT Internusa Joy who runs Macaroni Resort, PT Saraina Koat who manages Kandui Mentawai Resort and PT Mentawai Wisata Surak who manages Siloinak Island, they admit that they never send advertising materials to the site .
All the resort manager claimed never send advertising materials to the site. We will continue to track who is sending the ad material. Address and phone number complete site. So easy to track. But because his home base in Toronto Canada, will be pursued through diplomatic channels.
''The Indonesian Embassy (Embassy) we were there. We'll take action ranging from mild to strong, assertive''Aji Sularso closed after a meeting with the West Sumatra provincial government, local government of the Mentawai Islands, and three of these resorts management company in West Sumatra governor's office, yesterday (27 / 8).
Aji asserted site owners should clarify these publications and apologized to the Indonesian government. Minimal information for sale is replaced with a for rent. Because if rental is possible in the Act.
''But if it turns out the investigation revealed more than just a publication error, and indeed a desire to interfere with state sovereignty, we will be accountable to the law. Consultation with a number of lawyers such as OC Kaligis and Jalal Hashim was done. So even through legal channels we're ready,'' he said.
He explained according to the Basic Agrarian Law No. 5 of 1960, Act No. 51 of 1960 and Act 20 of 1961, control of land rights can be done in the form of property rights, the right to cultivate, things to build, lease and other rights.
However, foreign citizens special (WNA), firmly Aji Sularso, can only be done with a rental system. His foreign Itupun be domiciled in Indonesia, he said. Management of a resort island and the three continued a disturbing no sovereignty of the Unitary Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).
There are no indications''of law violations in pengelolan maritime tourism in the Mentawai Islands. Because there is no de facto sold islands,''he said.
Although there was no violation of the law, said Aji, but revealed that there are problems in the management of marine tourism in the Mentawai. Regional Regulation (Perda) Mentawai No. 16 of 2007 on Management of Marine Tourism has not yet adopted the substance of BAL No. 5 in 1960 and Act No. 27 of 2007.
As a result, the management of marine tourism is not the public welfare. Recognition Vice Regent Mentawai Sabagallet that Judas Local Revenue (PAD) of the management of the resort is only Rp600 million per year. Should not be Rp600 billion if managed correctly, he said. Because of that DKP, West Sumatra provincial government agreed to form a special team to improve the Mentawai membantua the law.
Management of marine tourism should pay attention Aji said three aspects of the safety of marine resources, partisanship and the principles of sovereignty. Surfing activity so far no attention to the capacity of seating capacity. For example a sea wave of 500 meters can not be opened wide or open acces. Should not be managed ekseklusif.
''So there are classes platinum, gold and other classes. So be sold with high price is not cheap. Therefore there must be oversight. It could be cheaper to pay someone nyelonong to paying expensive area. If in the open acces can also hurt. I could have a collision between one another. This makes us no-class tourism,'' he added.
Aji asserted there was no point to open maritime tourism if not the economic impact for the community around. Therefore there should be for local alignments.
"Besides entries in the form of PAD, there must be also allocated funds for community development,'' he said.
Vice Regent Mentawai Sabagallet Jude describes two resorts and one of the island is still contracted status. Macaroni Resort area of 6 hectares of Afrizal hired by PT Internusa Joy for 30 years, Kandui Resort with an area of 9.1 hectares of land owned by Anom Suheri, indigenous people and an area of 4.7 hectares Siloinak Robi's Mayersha contracted by Gilles Bordossiule for 20 years.
Special Siloinak new 2-year temporary permit that is still in the process, he explained. All of these efforts Judas said, nothing is purely controlled by foreigners. The main director of the
companies managing marine tourism is a citizen of Indonesia.
"Siloinak Island for example, Gilles Bordossiule contracted, his position as commissioner only. The company's business that is PT Mentawai Indonesia Tours by Surak president Safitri Novi Leni,'' said Jude.
He admitted there are still many weaknesses in the management of marine tourism in the Mentawai. For Perdanya made in 2007 and still refer to the old Law on Tourism.
Director of PT Koat Mentawai Saraina Anom Suheri admitted his side had never put any advertising materials, including selling the island to the site.
''It's every person who has the capacity to meet with us, always be offered for investment in the Mentawai islands, but not selling. It could be that broker's site manager. But the logic that if there was going to buy a team certainly came to the site, including asking the term. If you do not sell the island possible. Unless the investment would be just. The model could have Foreign Investment (PMA), and other rental system brightness. Anom admitted for managing marine tourism is still need foreign intervention. We can not work alone. Not to many local people who could manage marine tourism. Alien intervention's no problem. We expect it devisanya,'' said Anom length.
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