Similarly, in some hospitals, the nurses appear busy removing the patient to the outside. A number of events such as the HUT RI climb pinang had dissolved. Summary of Mount Talang in fires Solok Regency consecutive increase, and potentially explode.
Pukul 20:30 WIB until the night before, there have been eight times the strength of the earthquake with the continuation of SR 5 to 6.1. Road in the city of Padang appear vacant because people still panic alert and outside the home. Some hospitals such as RSUP M Djamil up the marquee in the parking lot, to shelter patients.
In the Mentawai, KK about 600 residents who live by the beach, flee to the hills that is located about 300 meters from the settlement. They were worried that the tsunami occurred, because the earthquake sequence susulan SR 5 and 6 are still going to 20:00 at WIB, yesterday. When the earthquake, the deluge mengguyur so many people wringing wet.
Tuapejat a citizen, the capital of Mentawai, called Fitri (17), treated at local hospitals due to serious injury. "Some of the fingers nearly dropped out of the wall when the doors to get outside the home," said Fenni, the official medical record RSUD Mentawai.
Head South Siberut A Arifianto Camat and Siberut Utara Sahad Pardamaian to Padang Ekspres (Riau Pos Group) said, there were no reports of victims of the soul. "But a lot of buildings that house cracked. We can not identify the amount, because kodisi still panic, "A firm at the end of the handle of Arifianto ponselnya.
Vice Bupati Mentawai Jude Sabaggalet directly to the local radio station to calm residents who had heard of the tsunami and issue berlarian to the hills. "Through this radio, I mengimbau all citizens Mentawai remain vigilant. Do not terpancing issues that are not responsible, "he said.
Injuries are a Plafon
Reported from Padang, eight people injured and was light to two hospitals. Five people are in the middle of the floor II and III-shopping Ramayana Plaza Andalas Padang, was RS Yos
Sudarso and RSUP M Djamil Padang because the light cuts are a result of the ceiling fell and fell on the escalator when the earthquake. Delly called Kelimanya Putri (43), Sarila (61), Julia (17), Holy (18), and Salsa Anggun, (11). In general, they have leaks in the head and abrasions on the hands. Padang Ekspres watched, and in the outside wall of the building four-floor shopping center is a cracked-cracked which is very long. Same time the earthquake occurred on the 7.9 SR 12-13 September 2007. To avoid the emergence of the soul of the victim, on the shopping center that had closed yesterday afternoon. In addition to the shopping center, there are three people injured when the light as it fell to survive outdoors. They are Firdaus (30), Willy and Ilham (20), Pure and daughter (46) was brought to RSUP M Djamil for the treatment.
Gadang in the pasa, the South District, a wall of a house destroyed diguncang are uninhabited, while the earthquake is not far from there, exactly in the market Mudik, people experiencing minor injuries after the ruins are a room divider home. Victim was RSUP M Djamil.
The atmosphere of panic also felt by residents in the coastal area of Sasak, Regency West Pasaman. Yanto, 45, said the earthquake occurred when he and other people panic and get to higher places for fear of the tsunami occurred.
Frequent earthquake that occurred in Sumatra, the people of trauma. Upik, people smoked difference Jati, Kota Padang fear that every earthquake occurred. Dirasakannya fear that sometimes up to many weeks. "Activity to be hampered. I had not bathed for fear and fear alone, maybe more in the bathroom, large earthquake occurs, "said Upik.
Berpotensi discharge chute
Major earthquake activity also make fires of Mount Talang in Solok regency increased. Until 20:15 at WIB vulkanik earthquake has occurred as much as 313 times, 58 times tektonik felt the earthquake and 10 times the average strength of SR 5.
"But not to remove the smoke from the spout of the mountain is still closed because of fog. Standby status and are still residents in the surrounding mountains are already wary. Possible burst because there is no earthquake in the bottom of the mountain is still below the 6 Richter Scale. If you hold the earthquake on the Richter Scale 6, the possibility also mountain erupt, "said Dalipa, observers Talang Gunung Api.
Governor Exit
Strong shocks in the earthquake Gubernuran create approximately 30 participants meet the press four years of leadership of Governor Fauzi Sumbar Gamawan-Marlis Rahman, who is seriously hear presentations Gamawan, torn surprised and jump directly to the swimming pool. SKPD head with a number of journalists fled to the front door to reach the terrace gubernuran. Shocks that create a ceiling gubernuran strike krek-krek-was to make the participants was the discussion. But to go down to the bottom of the terrace rain hampered. Finally, everything still remained on the terrace while istigfar. But not the other Sumbar Gamawan Governor Fauzi back to the room and ask all the participants signed in again.
"It is safe. Only because we continue to stay a little longer, "he said. Presentation dituntaskan but participants are not busy, and the concentration of the earthquake and tsunami potential. Kapolda Sumbar Brigjen Pol Rev. Daeni and Danrem 02/03 Wirabraja Colonel Mulyono which is located on the back terrace to attend pengukuhan appear Paskibraka stay calm.
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