BAGANBATU - The case of forest fire spread and land, which occurred in Rokan Hilir Regency is the main, burned peat land in almost all point in the 13 districts. Threat of land given to the burner and forests to Rokan Hilir district. If Exposure to combustion, will not be given a pardon.
Said Kasubbid Environmental Pollution Bapedalda Drs H Said Ricky Pasli who accompanied Kabid Management Environment, Ir H Syaiful Anwar Msi (5 / 8) ago.''We do not disprove, the land that burned in the Rokan Hilir the majority of this area is peat moss, ''he said.
For that, he added, does not wonder if the case of land and forest fires to be in the Rohil. So, not closed the possibility karhutla which occurred in this area so quickly merebak and expansion, explained.
Government is also still out, still trying to Extinction.''Clearly, we still try to do that in the Extinction point was found by fire,''said Said Ricky Pasli.
This senada also expressed by Datuk Penghulu Balam Perfect, and Junnaidi penghulu Bagan Datuk Sinembah North, Sufri separately. According to him, the location of the burn area is also the bog area.
Said Kasubbid Environmental Pollution Bapedalda Drs H Said Ricky Pasli who accompanied Kabid Management Environment, Ir H Syaiful Anwar Msi (5 / 8) ago.''We do not disprove, the land that burned in the Rokan Hilir the majority of this area is peat moss, ''he said.
For that, he added, does not wonder if the case of land and forest fires to be in the Rohil. So, not closed the possibility karhutla which occurred in this area so quickly merebak and expansion, explained.
Government is also still out, still trying to Extinction.''Clearly, we still try to do that in the Extinction point was found by fire,''said Said Ricky Pasli.
This senada also expressed by Datuk Penghulu Balam Perfect, and Junnaidi penghulu Bagan Datuk Sinembah North, Sufri separately. According to him, the location of the burn area is also the bog area.
''In the area we have found the point of fire and burnt all the land, the land is peat moss. Thus, the Extinction of the efforts made by The Residents of the Obstacles encountered,''he said.
However, the government is trying to continue and improve monitoring. And to urge citizens to take Extinction if found karhutla, light Junnaidi and Sufri again.
Police Must Process
Threat of land given to the burner and forests to Rokan Hilir district. If Exposure to combustion, will not be given a pardon, and certainly akan berperkara with the law.
Chairman of the assertion so Satkorlak Karhutla Rokan Hilir, H Amp Suyatno Post to Dumai not this long.''For anyone who is involved and the alleged perpetrator as a propellant and forest land in all akan catch and processed by the law,''specifically .
In accordance with the results of the agreement between Pemkab Rokan Hilir Rokan Hilir the police station, signing the agreement was made between the Rokan Hilir Pemkab work with the police station, handling the case of burning forest and land that frequently occur in the region, explained .
For that, Vice Regent of Rokan Hilir also expects this, so the police to conduct investigation on the case karhutla. ''We expect the police immediately conducted an investigation on the case of forest fire and land,''please Suyatno.
To the Vice-Regent on this, all parties do not land with the clean-burning.''We himbau to all parties, whether individual farmers and companies that do not land with the clean-burning,''he said.
If, then this still be done, not the perpetrator may not be processed. No matter whether it is individuals and companies who have caused all of the fire area will be processed, strictly Suyatno.
This work is also done, the situation is the weather there at this time. Especially now when the weather is clear enough as a sign of the dry season. So the action of burning is done, it may not all be changed, added former camat Bagansinembah this again.
In that occasion, the Vice Regent Rokanhilir this Camat also remind all that is in the Regency of Rokan Hilir in order not to dally in the monitoring of the issue of land and forest fires.
''We expect, all camat in order to monitor the lands that have in the area of each district to prevent the occurrence of the land without burning can be suspected at the time of the fire is,''said Suyatno.
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