DUMAI - One at a region in Riau was a concern following a swine flu pandemic, although still in the suspect category or suspected, but never fail to make people panic element. The Riau land directly adjacent to the country that first infected swine flu or H1N1. Now turn the border residents. At least 90 students SDN 007 Baganbatu, the last three days can not follow the process of learning because of sickness.
Damaged condition is to make him upset and SDN 007 large families such as teachers and the principal plus all students and parents or guardians students.
Head of School SDN 007 Baganbatu, Muchtar AmaPd to Dumai Post, Friday (31 / 7) said, so far has been the coordination with the medical team. "Because we are afraid there will be things that we do not want, therefore, we also direct contact with the medical team, in this case the health Baganbatu to conduct inspections of our children are sick themselves," explained.
This restlessness, connect to him, climb the more because so far it certainly has not known the pain of tens of students fall in it. "The purpose of the examination of children is our own to find out the cause. Because when we fear that our children exposed to this virus A H1N1, as made in different media," he said.
Examination that, Muchtar said, to anticipate the increasing number of students who are sick. Not closed because of the possibility that sick children grow. ''To do that we attempt the examination. Moreover, children have a fever accompanied by vomiting,''he said.
Mass is related to fever, Muchtar asserts, is considered dangerous if the school plan will dismiss school. "If indeed we are clearly dangerous liburkan this school. This is to anticipate the menularnya fever to the other children," specifically.
While Azhar from the medical examination to make the school, said the government is still far deep into the findings in the field. "The cause of course we still dalami based on the results of our inspections in the field," he said.
Damaged condition is to make him upset and SDN 007 large families such as teachers and the principal plus all students and parents or guardians students.
Head of School SDN 007 Baganbatu, Muchtar AmaPd to Dumai Post, Friday (31 / 7) said, so far has been the coordination with the medical team. "Because we are afraid there will be things that we do not want, therefore, we also direct contact with the medical team, in this case the health Baganbatu to conduct inspections of our children are sick themselves," explained.
This restlessness, connect to him, climb the more because so far it certainly has not known the pain of tens of students fall in it. "The purpose of the examination of children is our own to find out the cause. Because when we fear that our children exposed to this virus A H1N1, as made in different media," he said.
Examination that, Muchtar said, to anticipate the increasing number of students who are sick. Not closed because of the possibility that sick children grow. ''To do that we attempt the examination. Moreover, children have a fever accompanied by vomiting,''he said.
Mass is related to fever, Muchtar asserts, is considered dangerous if the school plan will dismiss school. "If indeed we are clearly dangerous liburkan this school. This is to anticipate the menularnya fever to the other children," specifically.
While Azhar from the medical examination to make the school, said the government is still far deep into the findings in the field. "The cause of course we still dalami based on the results of our inspections in the field," he said.
Following the occurrence of swine flu suspect that override the 62 students SMPN 1 Dumai Disnakkanla create extra work. By way of conduct at every entrance and Dumai City area farm.
"While waiting for laboratory results of samples taken from the swine flu terindikasi suspect, we will carry out supervision of the piggery, cattle farmers are required each to carry out cleaning stalls, and animal vaccines to give their flocks," said Head Disnakkanla City Surya Dumai Ir H Irianto To Dumai Post Friday (31 / 7).
According to him, institutions conducting supervision in every entrance Dumai City including the airport and harbor. However, he pungkasi, if they test positive labor akan made concrete steps of prevention. Because before this sample have been taken from naught H1N1 virus in five districts in the city of Dumai.
Still he said, swine flu virus is very easy to contact with infected only talk. Although the new suspect, but must wear masks to prevent transmission to others. "to the task of prevention is not only government, but community support is very important,"
Previously, mengganasnya action to anticipate the H1N1 virus, Head Office Port Health Dumai, K Sidauruk SSI through Kasi control of Sri Maha Mersy emphasize health checks have been cut for Foreign Affairs of passengers entering the port of Dumai.
The telling of every passenger from other countries, who set foot in Dumai port passenger terminal, before the passengers get down from the ship, doing the direct examination. If found suspicious passenger health condition, they immediately brought to the medical examination room.
Meanwhile Immigration Kakan Dumai, Icon Siregar SH when contacted via the mobile phone ready to help anticipate the spread of H1N1 virus. When found among the passengers abroad who want to enter Dumai disease appeared to have a positive swine flu, his side are prepared to return to their home country.
"We are in the role of immigration that we do is coordinate with a more berkompeten, when it later appeared to have found a positive swine flu pulangkan we are, we are ready bantu," says Icon.
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