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Thursday, 9 July 2009

Sugar Catch Sediment in the Warehouse Bulog

DUMAI - At least about 600 tons of sugar haul Bea and the Directorate General of Customs Region Dumai Bulog sediment in the warehouse. Not fail to make this stifling the Bulog. The addition is not beneficial for the environmental sanitation, storage of the stock of rice was so upset.

Head of Warehouse Bulog Dumai, Imran Nasution confirming that there is a pile of sugar in the warehouse 01 is evidence of the catch that dititipkan by the Customs and Bea Dumai. Related to the issue, the government has a letter officially Bea Cukai and Dumai. Imran to go but this time there is no certainty about the continuation of the status of the sugar.

"I do not exactly when the sugar is dititipkan in the warehouse. The clear since I was assigned in 2004, the sugar is also already there. However, it is associated, has been many times we surati officially. But so far there is no response from the Customs and Bea "Imran said that Dumai Post, Thursday (9 / 7).

Dumai watchlist Post, 01 appear on the warehouse about 600 tons of sugar accumulate meet 1 / 3 of these cellar rooms. according to several sources of information, the sugar has been in place since 2000. so the only reasonable, if the conditions far from the feasible. This is seen from the bag that is white duskiness even spread around the area is not savory smell nan sting.

Meanwhile, the stack associated with the sugar in the warehouse Bulog, the Customs Area PR Dumai, Jayadi confirmed when Dumai Post in workroom (9 / 7) confirm this. According Jayadi, the Director General has surati Bea and Customs setakat in Jakarta and is still awaiting a decision center.

For continued, in making a decision can not be simply decided by Director General of Customs and Bea, but also the Minister of Finance and Property and Auction cq State.

"We have surati Director General of Customs at this time is currently in the process. Aankah will go to the block or destroyed we can not disconnect. At the moment we are still waiting for the Minister of Finance of the fatwa," he explained.

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