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Saturday, 11 July 2009

Radar Capable of Penetrating Arfa and Fog Smoke

DUMAI - Two days later this fog of smoke conditions in the port of Dumai exacerbated wrap. In fact, since morning to afternoon fog conditions exacerbated menebal.Namun watched from Dumai Pos.com loading and unloading activities at the port running smoothly. So also is the case with the scouting activities, both labuh and sandar ships in the port of Dumai. Even if it appears to inhibit smoke Fog distance perspective, it does not prevent it and the movement of ships to Port of PT Pelindo, Dumai.

The thing is, General Manager of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I Dumai Branch, Ir Zainul Bachri.MM through Humasnya, Ramli Sitompul.SH explain to Dumai Pos.com, setakat this activity takes place in the harbor as the days before, two days later Despite this, diakuinya impact of maraknya fog of smoke seemed to touch a bit on the dock activity. However, it does not become the major loading and unloading activities.

So also is the case with the scouting activities, both labuh and sandar ships in the port of Dumai. Even if it appears to inhibit smoke Fog distance perspective, it does not prevent it and the movement of ships to Port of PT Pelindo, Dumai. "The scouting party watched, the fog of smoke still capable of going penetrated radar and ship Arfa. So scouting boat is still running as usual, "explained.

In addition, the shipping is always reminded to be more, to increase the vigilance condition thick fog of smoke that the more flare occurred.

Meanwhile Adpel Class I Dumai, Captain Yusmardi who contacted through Kasie Kesyahbandaran, Captain Purgana, to Dumaipos.com, explains. Clouds of smoke going on in Dumai port at this time are still able to be detected by Radar and Arfa ship. However, the voyage must be extra careful when akan lean or float. "Especially readiness completeness ship facilities and infrastructure," he said.

Even Adpel parties have to fly to the circular Pelayaran agents and scouting the area in the port of Dumai, in order to remain responsive to the condition of the sea, in order to increase vigilance when sea conditions are not, so that when the ship will sail can be expressed as suitable sea.

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