1. Demographic and geographic conditions
Dumai, located on the east coast of Sumatra island that faced directly with the international trade routes that many of the Malacca area makes Dumai port transit of goods and passengers who are in Indonesia. In addition to Dumai can be reached through the sea route is also becoming central Dumai land for some provinces such as jambi, brag, Bengkulu, North Sumatra for even distribution of goods and passengers to the islands of Sumatra and even overseas to Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand. With the strategic location of this Dumai potential to become the center of trade, industry and services in the future area of western Indonesia.
2. Have three broad areas of industry
In accordance with the development of this adult Dumai Dumai then have three broad areas of industry where two inidustri area the broad mouth which is located in Dumai beach that has the ability sandar ship tankers of this 16 m depth dikarena make a port of international standard port, two industry areas that are located in the mouth area of the coastal industry and area of industry pelintung hole resonance. Region is located 15 km from the mouth of the beach area is ideal for warehousing and product placement while before the industry is exported limestone hills.
3. Ease licensing
The three areas this industry are offered to the special committee for RI House of Representatives made a special economic region is estimated September 2009 officially became a special economic area of the city of Pekanbaru, the government issued a policy to the investors who are interested to embed in Dumai capital by providing incentives such as tax keringan and other convenience.
4. Has nine units of the international stages
Dumai has nine units of the international stages, the five units managed ole PT Pelabuhan Indonesia I (PT Pelindo I) that is capable of disandari by two types of ships, tankers measuring 150 meters to 180 meters. The other four units are managed by oil exploration company that is PT.Chevron Pacific Indonesia disandari is capable of three types of ships, tankers simultaneously. Dumai port has a number of large-scale facilities such as swimming-pool and the harbor, guide, delays, services, goods, undertaking, and equipment rentals, and others. In addition, the port has flow Dumai cruises along 55 miles (88 kilometers) consisting of 22 miles (35.2 kilometers) through the strait Bengkalis and 33 miles (55.8 kilimeter passage through Rupat. Reaches its maximum width of 255 meters and a maximum of 1.7 kilometers with an average depth of 16 meters. the natural condition is ideal for oleha ships visited the island with the ocean between the size of maximum 255 meters. Pelabuhan Dumai the extent of 785,161 square meters to make the port of Dumai memili adequate facilities such as docks, offices, warehouses, field cumulation, passenger terminal, and others. Meanwhile, the commodities for the dominant port of Dumai is through CPO and commodity turunannya sera rainfall, dry the palm kernel ekspeller (PKE) and palm kernel shell (PKS) of fertilizer and oil.
5. Supported oil and gas industry and CPO
Refinery unit of seven PT Pertamina (Persero) in Indonesia, there is one in Dumai, Dumai make this more well known local and foreign countries. Pertamina Dumai Refinery Unit II, a role of providing fuel for the country especially in the neighboring provinces. In addition to the processing factory has Dumai oil companies there are also foreign oil exploration, namely PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia to conduct activities to loading oil tankers through the port of Dumai PT Chevron Pacific Indonesia as well as the crude oil to Pertamina refinery factory unit II Dumai Dumai developed so that rapidly with the presence of two betaraf international oil and gas companies this berperanan large stake in the economy. There is also a company that stages international CPO the Wilmar Group in CPO processing and export of value turunannya.
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