Bank Mandiri was formed on 2 October 1998, as part of the Government of Indonesia’s bank restructuring program. In July 1999, four state-owned banks–Bank Bumi Daya, Bank Dagang Negara, Bank Exim and Bapindo–were amalgamated into Bank Mandiri. Each of our four legacy banks played an integral role in the development of the Indonesian economy. Today, Bank Mandiri continues this tradition of more than 140 years of delivering expertise in banking and financial services throughout Indonesia.
Immediately following the merger, Bank Mandiri embarked on a comprehensive process of consolidation. Most visibly, we closed 194 overlapping branches and reduced our combined workforce from 26,600 to 17,620. Our single brand was rolled out throughout our network and across all of our advertising and promotional activities. One of Bank Mandiri’s most significant achievements has been the complete replacement of our technology platform. We inherited a total of nine different core banking systems from our four legacy banks. After an initial investment to immediately consolidate our systems around the strongest inherited platform, we undertook a three-year, US$200 million, program to replace our core banking platform with one specifically geared toward consumer banking. Today, Bank Mandiri’s IT infrastructure provides straight-through processing and a unified interface for customers.
Our corporate customer base still represents the core of the Indonesia economy. By sector, it is well diversified and particularly active in food and beverage manufacturing, agriculture, construction, chemicals and textiles. Credit approvals and monitoring are subject to a highly structured ‘four eyes’ approval process, in which credit approval decisions are separated from the marketing activities of our business units.

With assets that have grown to more than Rp 319 trillion today, and more than 21 thousand employees spread among 956 domestic branch offices and 6 overseas branches and representatives Bank Mandiri has committed to delivering excellence in banking services and to provide wide-ranging financial solutions in investment and sharia’ products as well as bancassurance for our private and state-owned corporate, commercial, small business and micro customers in addition to our consumer clients. This commitment had been recognized through the top ranking in Banking Service Excellence Award 2007 of Infobank magazine.
Bank Mandiri Dumai Sudirman
Jl Jend Sudirman No. 133 A
Dumai, Riau, Indonesia
Phone: (0765) 31088
Fax: 31097
Bank Mandiri Dumai Syarif Kasim
Jl Sultan Syarif Kasim No. 99
Dumai, Riau, Indonesia
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Consolidating their system is a good move for Mandiri.
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