After the sinking of the ferry Dumai Express 10, the process of evacuation and the search for victims continues, Monday (23/11). Although much has been saved enough, but until now there was also not found.
Team Coordinator Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Riau Police found AKP Supriyanto at the Command Post said, there are at least five victims who have not known existed. He thinks it is known from the reports given to the victim's family who in DVI teams at the Office of Dumai Express.
Among the victims was a resident there Dumai, Ari Hidayat (25). Hidayat Ari is also one of Dumai Express crew who lived in Jalan Siliwangi, Gang Self, it Jaya Mukti is still not known to exist.
Ari addition, other victims who have not found the Sri Yanti Lasmini Praise (25) residents Siantar, Aida Mustafa (41) Batu Aji citizens, Batam and two citizens of High Cliff, Siti Aisah (51) and his grandson Nabila (11). "The report was delivered missing victims by their families, we have all the data is still setakad of 5 people,''said Yanto Supri.
Use the identification process, she called, it records in detail other than the identity of the victim, the victim's family was also asked to name the specific characteristics possessed by the victim. "This is to facilitate the identification process, the more specific characteristics known to the successful identification process will go faster,''he said.
So far a successful survivors are summarized by the Dumai Express is numbered 241 people who died while 28 people sebayak.
Operational staff Dumai Express, Gilani said the deportation process for all victims of both the survivors and the dead, planned for today, Tuesday (24/11) morning. "If the weather at sea, we plan all of the victims immediately depart from camp sites to their respective goals," he explained.
The victims are accommodated in the residence of Tanjung Balai Karimun Regent had been identified and classified.
Gilani said, was meant for identification purposes to distinguish the repatriation. Not all the survivors were returned through Dumai, even many of them to return to Batam. Based on the information obtained, the survivors return to Batam as many as 104 people and the purpose of Dumai 106 people.
Nevertheless, Gilani admitted to not knowing exactly when the victims were returned. ''That the local government authority, besides recent bad weather at sea, perhaps for that reason delayed departure,'' Gilani said.
Yesterday the weather was bad. Batam 03 Jet boats leaving from Dumai Batam goals can not continue the journey. The ship's length of stay in the Strait through to the end at 15.00 WIB decided to turn back toward the Dumai. ''I think the incident Batam Jet 03 can be a picture of how bad the weather today,'' he said.
SAR team Damaged Ship Hit Waves
Waves and high winds in waters Tanjungbalai Karimun Riau Islands especially difficult upata Team Search and rescue (SAR) to conduct searches of passengers 10 KM Dumai Express is sinking in waters of Little or Takong Yu Hiu, Monday (23/11) yesterday. A rescue boat from Tanjungpinang near misses after engine propeller-high wave damaged a beating more than four meters.
Head Office Tanjungpinang SAR R Bambang Subagyo when contacted expressed an RPG, the ship suffered damage SAR occurred some time after the teams deployed on the second day's search for drowning victims combing the waters near the scene.
"Our ship (SAR, red) hit the waves. Propelernya damaged when left to find victims," said Bambang, Monday (23/11). According to Bambang, the propeller or the propeller is damaged machines can still be controlled so that the boat with rescue teams who are assigned away from exposure to waves and strong winds since early morning.
He also revealed, SAR operations in the second day was bad weather hampered the search difficult for either the rest of drowning victims who are still alive and who had allegedly died. Bambang said the high waves are still ranged between four to five meters and is very dangerous for the search effort. However, the search is still being done to limit the search time scheduled lid.
Team Coordinator Disaster Victim Identification (DVI) Riau Police found AKP Supriyanto at the Command Post said, there are at least five victims who have not known existed. He thinks it is known from the reports given to the victim's family who in DVI teams at the Office of Dumai Express.
Among the victims was a resident there Dumai, Ari Hidayat (25). Hidayat Ari is also one of Dumai Express crew who lived in Jalan Siliwangi, Gang Self, it Jaya Mukti is still not known to exist.
Ari addition, other victims who have not found the Sri Yanti Lasmini Praise (25) residents Siantar, Aida Mustafa (41) Batu Aji citizens, Batam and two citizens of High Cliff, Siti Aisah (51) and his grandson Nabila (11). "The report was delivered missing victims by their families, we have all the data is still setakad of 5 people,''said Yanto Supri.
Use the identification process, she called, it records in detail other than the identity of the victim, the victim's family was also asked to name the specific characteristics possessed by the victim. "This is to facilitate the identification process, the more specific characteristics known to the successful identification process will go faster,''he said.
So far a successful survivors are summarized by the Dumai Express is numbered 241 people who died while 28 people sebayak.
Operational staff Dumai Express, Gilani said the deportation process for all victims of both the survivors and the dead, planned for today, Tuesday (24/11) morning. "If the weather at sea, we plan all of the victims immediately depart from camp sites to their respective goals," he explained.
The victims are accommodated in the residence of Tanjung Balai Karimun Regent had been identified and classified.
Gilani said, was meant for identification purposes to distinguish the repatriation. Not all the survivors were returned through Dumai, even many of them to return to Batam. Based on the information obtained, the survivors return to Batam as many as 104 people and the purpose of Dumai 106 people.
Nevertheless, Gilani admitted to not knowing exactly when the victims were returned. ''That the local government authority, besides recent bad weather at sea, perhaps for that reason delayed departure,'' Gilani said.
Yesterday the weather was bad. Batam 03 Jet boats leaving from Dumai Batam goals can not continue the journey. The ship's length of stay in the Strait through to the end at 15.00 WIB decided to turn back toward the Dumai. ''I think the incident Batam Jet 03 can be a picture of how bad the weather today,'' he said.
SAR team Damaged Ship Hit Waves
Waves and high winds in waters Tanjungbalai Karimun Riau Islands especially difficult upata Team Search and rescue (SAR) to conduct searches of passengers 10 KM Dumai Express is sinking in waters of Little or Takong Yu Hiu, Monday (23/11) yesterday. A rescue boat from Tanjungpinang near misses after engine propeller-high wave damaged a beating more than four meters.
Head Office Tanjungpinang SAR R Bambang Subagyo when contacted expressed an RPG, the ship suffered damage SAR occurred some time after the teams deployed on the second day's search for drowning victims combing the waters near the scene.
"Our ship (SAR, red) hit the waves. Propelernya damaged when left to find victims," said Bambang, Monday (23/11). According to Bambang, the propeller or the propeller is damaged machines can still be controlled so that the boat with rescue teams who are assigned away from exposure to waves and strong winds since early morning.
He also revealed, SAR operations in the second day was bad weather hampered the search difficult for either the rest of drowning victims who are still alive and who had allegedly died. Bambang said the high waves are still ranged between four to five meters and is very dangerous for the search effort. However, the search is still being done to limit the search time scheduled lid.
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