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Monday, 22 November 2010

STMIK dan AMIK Dumai

STMIK and AMIK Dumai as higher education institutions are two computers located in the city of Dumai in Riau Province, under the auspices Yayasan Pendidikan Makmur Ridar (YPMR) chaired by Drs H Marlis Alamsa. Under the the foundation is both universities are moving in accordance with the dynamics of education in Kota Dumai and national. Originally YPMR pioneered a computer that is college Akademi Manajemen Informatika & Komputer (AMIK) Dumai in the Year 2000 by the Decree of the Minister of National Education No: 171/D/O/2000 dated August 23, 2000 with the study level Diploma III (D3) and the Diploma I (D1) Department of Information Management.

Now AMIK Dumai is the age that gave birth ke8 and 656 graduate alumni of the study D1 and D3 levels. 90% of its graduates have worked in various government and private agencies in both the City of Dumai and in other areas in Indonesia.

After 5 years AMIK Dumai stand, then back YPMR apply to the Directorate of Higher Education to go back to open a higher level of level of Strata 1 (S1). Alhamdulillah thanks to the cooperation and support of all components of society, then on May 2, 2005 was published the Decree of the Minister of National Education No: 45/D/O/2005 about permits establishment Sekolah Tinggi Manajemen Informatika & Komputer (STMIK) Dumai, Study Program: Information Systems and Technical Information.

With the establishment of two higher education institutions under a single computer at the Foundation, it also becomes a historical record for the City of Dumai to start mengeliatnya education in the city because in addition to the oil-AMIK STMIK DUMAI also emerged college- college program consisting of different studies. This indicates that the oil town of son-daughter is not to be outdone by the rest of Indonesia in facing the higher education towards a more glorious future.

Study Program:

- Strata I Technical Information
- Strata I Information System
- Diploma III Information Management
Facilities owned by the campus include:

  - Comfortable Lecture Hall
  - Labor Computers & Internet
  - Labor Assembly Electronics & Computers
  - Campus Mosque
  - Library
  - Sports Turf
  - Student Cafe
  - Free Hotspot Area

STMIK - AMIK Dumai Campus
Jl Utama Karya Bukit Batrem II
Dumai - Riau
Telp (0765) 7004017 - 34114.

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