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Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Bird Flu virus Spreading in Dumai

DUMAI - Avian Influenza Virus (H5N1) or bird flu is suspected middle infiltrated a number of areas in Dumai found following a number of chickens that died suddenly. Of the three cases of livestock deaths, one of which was allegedly due to bird flu.

Veterinarians from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Dumai, Agus, crossed mention in the past week it has found several suspected cases of bird flu in the village Mekar Sari, Purnama and Kelurahan Bukit Timah is located in Dumai District West.

Of the three sites, the case is in Kelurahan Bukit Timah allegedly looked at already contracted the bird flu virus. "After doing the survey, the case in Bukit Timah District tested positive for bird flu. Of the three chickens tested, two positive," he explained.

The narrative of people living in Gang Rahmat, Kelurahan Bukit Timah, in the last week of chicken livestock residents there who number about one hundred head suddenly die in numbers. Initially occurred on Tuesday (22 / 2). At that time my chicken that died about two tails. The climax occurred on Wednesday (23 / 2), chickens that died of a sudden there are about 85 birds.

Wednesday (2 / 3), the sudden death of chickens also occurs with family pets Syafrizal, who lives in Jalan Pauh Jaya, Jaya Mukti Village, Dumai Kematan East. Of the dozens of village chickens are dipeliharanya, two tails were found dead of a sudden at around 7:30 pm.

Description Syafrizal, on Sunday (27 / 2) one whole chicken, I also had time to die. But because only one fish that died iai not suspicious. "But as soon die as well as two tail on this day, we immediately took the initiative to call my brother who works at the Department of Animal Husbandry," said Syafrizal.

He explained that previously a number of free-range chicken is also rumored to belong to a few neighbors had died suddenly. But did not get reported to the agency or the government. "Last week my neighbor's chickens that died suddenly too much," he said.

The team from the Department of Animal Husbandry, Fisheries and Marine Dumai City that fell led by the Head of Animal Health and Veterinary Public Health, Budiyono, yesterday directly perform tests on a number of poultry owned Syafrizal.

"We have not gotten the results whether positive or negative," he said. Recognized Budiyono, Dumai City area is a potential bird flu because many birds were imported from outside the area.

+ komentar + 1 comment

12 April 2011 at 04:13

Bird flu is one most dangerous disease that get infected faster specially to those people who are interacting with chickens because the main cause of bird flu is chickens this starts with a slit fever and the weight also get imbalanced its better to consult to a doctor if the fever is lasting long

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