Dumai, also known as oil town. Three industry participating advancing Dumai indirectly is PT CPI (formerly Caltex Pacific Indonesia now Chevron Pacific Indonesia) which moves majority in mining and oil export and gas, later PT Pertamina engaged in processing and distributionof oil and gas domestically, and also followed by industry oil processing palm (CPO) PT BKR (Bukit Kapur Reksa).
Besides Manufacture Large scale as above, there also several small industry or home Industrial. Processing results agriculture like Kelapa pledged VCO VCO. Dumai City played a role in the future, already has five strategic areas namely Industrial Industrial Area Dumai (KID) in Pelintung, Echoes Lubuk Industrial Estate, Dock Yard Industrial Estate, Chalk Hill and Industry Region Industrial Estate in Bukit Timah.
One area inidustri has become the region's most rapid industrial progress in the industrial area of Riau Province Pelintung. In this industrial area has built an export jetty with a capacity of three tankers once relied. Has also built factories and has been produce NPK fertilizer, which is believed to be the largest of NPK fertilizer plant in Southeast Asia.
Dumai very strategic area to be the area of international trade development, because Dumai was in the area of international trade across the Strait of Melaka. Since a few years Dumai Municipality has proposed a free trade zone / Free Trade Zone. RI Government was perfecting a legal product, called the Law of the FTZ area.
Dumai has Airports Pinang Kampai located adjacent Komplek Housing PT. CPI. Beside access air, Cities Dumai has superiority as one Cities in Province Riau which chance for utilize potential development seaports; whereby Dumai positioned cross international trade Strait Melaka; who managed by Pelindo and several ports folk. Dumai port in the port has been built as a liaison for import export activities, as well as the passengers who want to go to Malacca - Malaysia.
Dumai Port consists from 9 units, four units owned Chevron, and five units government owned. Throughout beach area Dumai there several oil factory and oil processing with capacity 170 000 barrels per day and can accommodate 850 000 barrels oil per days. Dumai also called gate export Indonesian oil. At currently export activities gas totaling USD 426 123 million annually.
To resize an municipality, in Kota Dumai school as instrument education learning be said quite complete. Starting from kindergarten level or until the Anfal Raudhatul High School / Vocational or Madrasah Aliyah. Well it which represents schools country also several managed by private foundations viz. suitable as primary and secondary schools of St. Tarcisius. Not extent secondary school, several universities also already stood since Dumai still status administrative town.
Macro economic indicators such as Gross Regional Domestic Product (GDP) of Dumai which has increased annually since the year 2000-2005 is the description of the success of economic development in Dumai City. To support increased GRDP hence emphasis economic development Cities Dumai is by maintain domination development on industrial sector, trading, freight including buildings besides noticed agricultural sector as producer materials industrial raw. Level economic growth quite rapidly also has provided employment opportunities for society in Kota Dumai thus community welfare increases.
Farmland in Cities Dumai still very Luas but untapped are Maximal. Obstacle faced besides capital problem is Status land still mentioned ex HPH. Four kecamatan in Kota Dumai namely Subdistrict Sungai Nine, Medang Kampai, Bukit chalk and Dumai Barat represents territory having resources potential land for development agrobusiness and agroindustry with engineering appropriate technology byocyclo farming like paddy, palawija, vegetables Sumatera, bananas, pineaple , durian, mango, rambutans, palm, multifarious livestock (cow, goat, duck and chicken) well fishpond conducting bream (patin, goldfish, gouramy well ornamental fish).
Municipality Dumai residing seaside east Sumatera Island conduct development inwroughtly coastal area beaches as region catching and cultivation keramba superior commodity exports living fish like grouper, white kakap, crabs blue swimmer and dirstyboys through recovery function mangrove. Cities Dumai also has harbor could pledged as portal for toward countries neighbors like Singapore and Malaysia.
Dumai City has a diversity of tribes and cultures, in addition to having the original culture is culture of Malays. Existing diversity is an asset that can generate foreign exchange. Cultural Melayu considered "Spirit City Development Dumai" with ways outlines values culturally as inspiration and fundamental development. Development execution field culture has enhance attractiveness / promotions regions about cultural art regions.
Municipality Dumai located seaside having development potential tourism like natural tourism, cultural and shopping. Several regions tourism among conservation area River District Nine, forests tours in Subdistrict Dumai Barat and Dumai East, seashore Gulf Makmur in Subdistrict Medang Kampai and Tasik Flowers Seven in Subdistrict Dumai East. As the main gateway to enter mainland Riau, some tourists have repeatedly visited the Dumai, especially those who want to visit Malacca. Dumai very easy achieved because transportations who smoothly.
There some object tourism interesting within journey toward Dumai, like existence tribe underdeveloped called tribe Sakai rainforest along roads, and water river whose color unique like colors tea. Besides also viewable thundreds pipe noddle who lift oil from belly earth. Shopping center Ramayana at Jalan Jend Sudirman add icons Dumai in year 2007th.
Dumai City saw the condition of society which consists of various ethnicities, races and religions and the level of high population density makes the potential threat of Dumai meniliki security disturbance, tranquility and public order, but the security level of Dumai still relatively safe and conducive environment, this is reflected by significant economic growth and can be proud of.
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