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Tuesday, 29 September 2009

Investigate Incidents Dumai Express, Call Adpel Helmsman

DUMAI - leaking of Dumai Express Ferry 18 in waters Rupat, Terkul Bengkalis District, Monday (28 / 9), which barely made the harm hundreds of passengers being investigated. At least, for a while, plus the owner of the ship captain suspected would not sleep soundly. The reason, they should give information about the incident.

Meanwhile, immediate measures taken following the incident Adpel leaking Dumai ferry routes serving these Dumai-Batam. Institution admitted raced investigation. One of them called the shipmaster M Panjaitan.

The number one ship was Adpel summons, Tuesday (29 / 9), approximately at 09.00 am M Panjaitan visit Adpel office located in Jalan Yos Sudarso.

Related leaking of this Exspress Dumai ferry, Kabid care and rescue (Gamat) Apdel Dumai M Natsir Ritonga Tuesday (29 / 9) explains, this time his side following the incident investigation, including the skipper called to give information about the incident.

"We're going to conduct investigations admistratif, and will also be carried out physical investigations are sunk fery it, we just see how it fery conditions, from which only later we can conclude what caused the sinking fery, we should not be hasty to conclude something, hopefully all will went well and will be completed quickly, "he said.

While Dumai Adpel Control Section H Sumarno revealed, not all Dumai Express passenger ferry the unfortunate 18's went back to Batam, Tuesday (29 / 9) around at 07.00 pm using Dumai Express Ferry 12.

Still he said, of just 263 passengers 251 passengers left, the rest as many as 12 people returned the ticket for reasons of trauma and selecting flight services via Pekanbaru.

"They were traumatized, and therefore cancel the departure and return tickets. The Dumai Express also provides more value than ticket purchased for USD $ 250 thousand to $ 350 thousand per person," explained he.

Fleet Less
Meanwhile, dozens of passengers purpose Batam and Tanjung Pinang left off, Tuesday, (29 / 9). The reason fast fleet with the aim of Kepulauan Riau (Riau Islands) is not sufficient. However, the PT Pelnas Sustainable Maritime Indoma (PLIB) provide accommodation for the passengers who already have a ticket.

Head of Operational PT PLIB, Ayong justify some passengers had to be accommodated at the inn. He said, it was because the number of fleet that is not sufficient to carry all passengers.

''Because of the limitations of our fleet, so some of today's passenger arrival we had to postpone his departure. For those who already have tickets we handle accommodation issues and is free of charge,''she called to Dumai post when found in his study.

Ayong mention, it only despatch four ships quickly, with an estimated capacity of 1000 passenger seat. When asked whether his party will increase the fleet will do. Ayong reluctant to say much. He considered it a policy that should be taken related institutions.

''We are only able to operate as many as four units of a speedboat. If there is additional fleet is the responsibility of relevant agencies,''he said.

Separate place, Staff Laura Adpel Dumai, Suwardi said, the level of backflow into the H +8 decreases to reach 25 percent. Officials predict the future is the smaller amount and returned to normal.

Based on data from Sunday (27 / 9), the mobility of domestic passengers in the sea lane is as much as 2243 and on Monday (28 / 9) declined rapidly to reach 1673 people. ''The amount is also included with the local departure as Rupat Island, Cape Medang and the Strait of Morong,''he said.

Associated with the addition of the fleet, Suwardi not say much, he considered it the responsibility of the ship's agent. ''This should be anticipated by the ship's agent. if we are only limited rescue voyage,''he said.

Meanwhile, related to the condition of the ship Dumai Express Ferry 18 which the unfortunate Rupat Island waters, Staff Liaison Affairs Adpel Dumai, Jufrizal said the ship was in the process of improvement.

''The ship has successfully drawn to the land around the beach and Terkul currently in the process of improvement by some of our personnel from the Port State Control. Hopefully not too badly damaged and in the near future can be operated again,''he hoped.

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