Mentawai earthquake happens twice at around 09.08 pm, with a location 60 km southeast of Siberut with strength 5.3 Richter Scale (SR) and an aftershock with a lower strength, ie 5.2 SR. The earthquake did not cause casualties because of its facilities in the sea area.
A few hours later a large earthquake occurred in Tasikmalaya, West Java with the power of SR 7.3. The quake occurred at around 14:53 pm, occurred at a depth of 30 kilometers from the sea surface and centered 8.24 LS-107.32 BT.
The epicenter was 142 km southwest of Tasikmalaya. The earthquake was felt almost all over Java and Bali. Two aftershocks with lower power also occurred in the same city. Epicenter, ie 138 and 137 southwest of Tasikmalaya with their strengths and 5.1 SR 5.4 SR. This earthquake caused deaths of 25 people, destroyed hundreds of homes and other facilities damaged lots.
Victim of each 12 people in Cianjur, Garut 3 people, 1 person in Sukabumi, 8 people in Tasikmalaya, and 1 person in Bandung West. Special Cianjur district, the victim was killed all because buried in landslides as strong quake shook.
"While this information we received from each district and provincial governments," said Bannerman, BNPB Command Post officer, told reporters last night.
In addition to casualties recorded, BNPB kersuakan also got reports of physical buildings in some areas. A recent report says 256 homes Cilacap. From Tasimalaya, Police Priangan region while the data reported by the earthquake death toll reaches six people. They come from County and City of Tasikmalaya and Garut.
According to Anton Kapolwil Kombes Priangan Charlian victims of Garut named CEPI (12) Village residents Pabuaran RT 01/02 Desa Mancagahar District Susilawati Pameumpeuk and NOPI (16) residents Kampung Kiara Kohok RT 01/05 Desa Pamalayan Sub Cikelet. "The victim's injuries and damage to homes is still in check," said Kapolwil Wednesday (2 / 9) night.
Meanwhile, the victims in Kota Tasikmalaya unknown name. One of the known victims of the seven-year-old Purbaratu District residents. He died falling down buildings. The other one was seven years old. Injured in Kota Tasikmalaya numbered 14 people. They are scattered in two Sub Purbaratu and Cisayong.
On the other hand, Head of Meteorological Earthquake Information, Climatology and Geophysics (BMKG) Murjaya Jaya said, the earthquake that occurred in Tasikmalaya is due to collision of tectonic plates or the tectonic activity in southern Java. Or rather the Southern Cross 8.24 point (LS), 107.32 east longitude (BT) with the power of SR 7.3.
According to Jaya, this earthquake had the potential to predict the tsunami. Especially in some coastal areas adjacent to the epicenter epicenter aliases like in Pangandaran and Pelabuhan Ratu, Sukabumi, West Java. Although the information is then pulled back, but he urged people to keep alert.
"Until tonight (last night, Red) based on the results of monitoring, there are rising sea levels as high as 20 centimeters in Pelabuhan Ratu," she said.
BMKG urged people who live around the epicenter of the quake to be cautious. Especially for those who live along the shoreline should be prepared to save themselves by seeking higher ground. "We appealed the public to remain vigilant," he said.
BMKG Spokesman Gurning Edison said it was still looking for the cause of the earthquake and its impact on the Earth's plates. However, the 7.3 magnitude tectonic earthquake was estimated at SR cause plate fracture occurred at the epicenter. "Collision on the plate and recorded on the seismograph recorded directly to the national earthquake center and still we monitor," he said.
BMKG also still doing a recapitulation of the utility damaged by the earthquake that was centered in Tasikmalaya. However, there have been several reports of communication networks disrupted as a result of the earthquake.
Data from the National Disaster Management Agency (BNPB) in addition to 25 casualties were killed, to buildings damaged from the data received while there are about 727 buildings. Entirely located in, 35 buildings Cianjur, Tasikmalaya 58, Bandung and Garut West 56th building 578. "The data are still mixed between light and heavy damage," said Syamsul, Head BNPB.
Syamsul continued, it had sent four trucks of equipment such as tents, food, medicines and other necessities. While the team is leaving today from the Ministry of Health Doctors and evacuation teams. According to him, the more time is needed tents, blankets, sarongs and food. Because, in his experience the earthquake victims will be afraid to stay at home after the incident. "Thus, the tent is more necessary than other needs," explained he.
Syamsul said, BNPB have to coordinate with local governments for the prevention of West Java earthquake disaster. "Right now I'm moving to Tasikmalaya to see the situation, while other teams have also been distributed to areas affected by this earthquake," he explained.
When an earthquake occurs, immediately lashed the capital bottlenecks at some point. This was due to the flow of thousands of office workers and residents poured out of buildings, packed highways and some who choose to return to their homes. Severe congestion occurs in a number of arterial roads such as Jalan Sudirman, Thamrin and MT Haryono.
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