Kadis of Drs MM Syafruddin Dumai to post? Thursday (16 / 7) said yesterday the team labuh services go to Jakarta invite representatives of the team. However, concerning the cost of departure team member will be financed with the help of a budget.
"Cost is the only departure assistance. This is a struggle for the interests of the region. Pansus indeed and we get it financed by funds that do not support the post of how," he said, is reluctant to mention the details of the funds they departure this.
Still a matter of cost to each member of the team, according to Syafruddin, are more or less ethical. The reason, he just give assistance especially from the post in the office for which he kepalai. "It's not unethical if we detailed," he said.
He said, the team will still rely on this path of negotiations with the central government in Jakarta. As Previously done, on July 23 will again meet Ministry of Finance.
However, the services component is closed Labuh impressed when asked concerning the struggle of the target. The information gathered, the team likely will use the efforts of law, who had published as pansus Services Labuh, not clear properly.
While the Attorney General Affairs (kejari) Kepmen about hub 54 of the central debate with Pertamina already clearly known by the team Labuh services. Even the responses given by Kejari votes are in line with the spirit of the team struggle.
However Labuh Services team seemed reluctant when using direct Kejari legal opinion, which is a power law government official. On the other Pertamina would not change a bit Establishment of the claim area to request a 30 percent income Labuh services as stipulated Kepmenhub 54.
Chairman pansus H Ali Rakhman Harahap SH new-new to this Dumai Post? pitched justify the legal opinion from Kajari Dumai have to press the Importance of Pertamina. However wily politician known berkilah this debate with reason?
there will still be negotiated.
"Team Services Labuh while pansus Legislative Services Labuh one only one segment of the team. The path of law will be applied when all efforts mentok efforts. While meeting with the Director General of Sea Transportation still have not done," he said.
The team will again perform with the Ministry of Finance negosisiasi will be conducted in Jakarta on July 23 to come. Previous team fails to meet Director General of Sea Transportation.
One of the causes, according to Tim pansus Labuh Services, as Director General of Sea Transportation accompanying inaugurate president Suramadu bridge. Schedule meeting times below that also not accomplished due to the Director General of the Sea out country.
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