"It is recognized as the constraints do not have a dock itself. But the pier is completed the funds come from the state budget still operate. Development is located next to the pier Roro. Discontinued operations is not possible because to start from the beginning was very difficult," he said Sudibyo Dumai Post, Wednesday (15 / 7).
Meanwhile, the operational service management permit delay has been managed since 2004. Basically, the Minister of Transportation Decree No. KM 24 of 2002, plus the Kepmen number 54 in 2005. Even Adpel and Pelindo team is in breach legality PD Bersemai this.
But the licensing standard is recognized, still operate operational. With the requirements as a pilot and learn in an integrated administrative procedures that can be guaranteed. "It does not infringe the rules of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation," specifically uncurl.
To note, PD Bersemai colleagues have in operating the service labuh. Where is the system pembagiannya PD for 11.5 percent and 88.5 percent for the third party ie Garden Asri PT Nusa as the scout ship. Matter of discussion about the checks and financial, it is implemented Accounting termuka public.
In fact, the company's semi-red plate this has only capital assistance from Pemko of Rp2, with 3 billion two-way stage. When operational early in the year 2004, the budget naught. "But to be able to give PAD Dumai. While incomes have now classified as promised and the City of Port Services," he explained extensively.
2009 this year, January to July has been to obtain gross profit Rp1.78439565710. It will be distributed according to the agreement that is 11.5 percent and 88.5 percent. "For the Start of 2004, profits levy service labuh Rp213.953.235, 55, 2005 Rp222.490.466, 90. For 2006, the net profit sharing Rp102.550.000, 00, retribusinya Rp995.482.580.65. So also with the year 2007 258,586,030.00 net profit-sharing and retributions Rp1.959.791.418, 26, "he said.
Meanwhile, in the year 2008, net profit sharing Rp
453,326,054.00 funds and sharing Rp2.518.800.125, 65. Known to the public if this is too dipermasalahkan, how the future of Dumai fore later. "This is a very valuable asset. Moreover, if it is to buy its own assets and have their own docks. Dumai then have a machine to improve the PAD so big," he added.
Meanwhile, the statement Administrastrator Port (Adpel) Class I Dumai Yusmardi Capt K, Kaur melalaui PR Jufrizal that PD Amd Bersemai complete legality as soon as possible, the company ditanggapi positive.
Concerning the findings of the CPC, Sudibyo explain it is just a mistake presedural administration only. "Where keuangaan used in the previous post on the Department of Transportation. But at this time PD Dumai already go to Dispenda," he said while uncurl.
For more details about this case, Sudibyo mempersilahkan Dispenda to ask. "So clearly revealed akan location where kesalahanya," pungkas Sudibyo said while his side continue to attempt to review the requirements for obtaining permission PD Pelabuhan Dumai Bersemai. In fact, in the near team Pemko Dumai akan Dirjenhubla come back to find solutions to get legal operational PD Pelabuhan Dumai Bersemai while awaiting the completion of the pier property.
Sudibyo added, the existence of PD Pelabuhan Dumai Bersemai valid according to law. This is based on the establishment of regional companies through the Regional Regulation (Perda) No.7, 2005, approved Mendagri. Similarly, through the Decree of the Minister of Transportation (Kepmenhub) No.54 / 2002 About The Sea Port.
Also based on PP No.69 Year 2001 About Kepelabuhanan and Kepmenhub No.24 Year 2002 About scouting. Based on the existing rules, then Pemko has a contribution in the management of the port. Especially in the Special Port, which is managed through a company owned by local governments. "We have successfully achieved and that the central government has merestuinya. Why are we here discuss the lack of requirements that are in the process," with a firm tone Sudibyo said.
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