Conflict with elephants man never ended, since some night this elephant herd back to the residents in the villages and RW 6 RW 9 Sub Mandau Balaimakam Village. Various types of crops such as jackfruit, coconut, oil palm, vegetables, palawija, cassava and trees out dilahap and wildlife is destroyed. Tuesday (30 / 6) at 19.00 WIB as much about the size of 40 different elephant corral some home residents.
As many as five families in PERUMNAS Hill Tambusai stage, Karang Rejo, Housing Melati Indah, Jalan Ikri Muda and Jalan Kualo. Proboscis troops will enter not only the night the day. As a result, the activities of daily uninterrupted and can not go to work their fields. Handling of Elephants team overwhelmed the many elephants that came from.
While there is still stock food elephant herd will not be going to the bush and forest. Information people have heard the elephant in, members of the DPRD Kabupaten Bengkalis, H Arwan Mahidin, 06 members Danramil Mandau, Serka Maspandri, Kasi Trantib Mandau Head Office, H Amiruddin SH, Chairman of the Communication Forum for Social Workers Society (FKPSM) Mandau District, David and Refry Amran Head of Village Balaimakam, Agus Har directly down to the field.
This time the elephant herd outcast does not go directly to the thicket. Even moving to the village and then back again after a few hours later. Not susceptible to burn tires expelled with the car and gun used.
Imagine if the previous flock elephant entered the village towards the dark, now come from the morning and afternoon. As if the body fat of animals, test the performance of the team's sejauhmana elephants that have it.
` 'Reports of elephants from the morning to roam the campus at 11.00 WIB. Diwaktu hot day with the elephant does not hold the sun blazing. Then at around 16:00 or afternoon show to return to the colony. Depending on the stock of food in the villages, "said Agus Kades The Central Har.
Although there is no sacrifice of the soul, sambungnya tranquility of elephants crossing dikawasan already terusik. Members did not sleep the night yenyak. Because of trauma when I saw elephant rampage and human diinjak board. Moreover, the elephant herd, such as hunger and search for food source.
When elephants enter the village, people do with the ejection equipment is. If you have used car tires or be bamboo cannon blast. In addition to the spotlight Lampur flashlight towards elephants. Efforts made elephant herd berbasil not stand still.
Just Agus Har feared that if people can not hold anger ago killed the elephant. Moreover, there have been victims fell for the soul elephant entry some time ago. If this has happened nationally scene. Including the associated handle pests elephant.
"When there are human victims diinjak elephants have otopsi team down to investigate the death of animals is protected. Conversely, if a man died due to elephant attacked, not taken a headache," said Agus Har confess concerned with this condition.
As many as five families in PERUMNAS Hill Tambusai stage, Karang Rejo, Housing Melati Indah, Jalan Ikri Muda and Jalan Kualo. Proboscis troops will enter not only the night the day. As a result, the activities of daily uninterrupted and can not go to work their fields. Handling of Elephants team overwhelmed the many elephants that came from.
While there is still stock food elephant herd will not be going to the bush and forest. Information people have heard the elephant in, members of the DPRD Kabupaten Bengkalis, H Arwan Mahidin, 06 members Danramil Mandau, Serka Maspandri, Kasi Trantib Mandau Head Office, H Amiruddin SH, Chairman of the Communication Forum for Social Workers Society (FKPSM) Mandau District, David and Refry Amran Head of Village Balaimakam, Agus Har directly down to the field.
This time the elephant herd outcast does not go directly to the thicket. Even moving to the village and then back again after a few hours later. Not susceptible to burn tires expelled with the car and gun used.
Imagine if the previous flock elephant entered the village towards the dark, now come from the morning and afternoon. As if the body fat of animals, test the performance of the team's sejauhmana elephants that have it.
` 'Reports of elephants from the morning to roam the campus at 11.00 WIB. Diwaktu hot day with the elephant does not hold the sun blazing. Then at around 16:00 or afternoon show to return to the colony. Depending on the stock of food in the villages, "said Agus Kades The Central Har.
Although there is no sacrifice of the soul, sambungnya tranquility of elephants crossing dikawasan already terusik. Members did not sleep the night yenyak. Because of trauma when I saw elephant rampage and human diinjak board. Moreover, the elephant herd, such as hunger and search for food source.
When elephants enter the village, people do with the ejection equipment is. If you have used car tires or be bamboo cannon blast. In addition to the spotlight Lampur flashlight towards elephants. Efforts made elephant herd berbasil not stand still.
Just Agus Har feared that if people can not hold anger ago killed the elephant. Moreover, there have been victims fell for the soul elephant entry some time ago. If this has happened nationally scene. Including the associated handle pests elephant.
"When there are human victims diinjak elephants have otopsi team down to investigate the death of animals is protected. Conversely, if a man died due to elephant attacked, not taken a headache," said Agus Har confess concerned with this condition.
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