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Wednesday, 11 May 2011

Six Hot Spots in Dumai

DUMAI  - There are at least six hotspots in the area of ​​Dumai. The point of a blazing fire in plantation and forest land that became the cause of haze thickened in Dumai and surrounding areas. Throughout Wednesday (11 / 5) yesterday, air quality deteriorated.

Description compiled by officers from the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Dumai, hotspots are spread in several places. Among the land concession Starch Suntara Elephant River District in District Nine and Chalk Hill.

Forest Service officer, Mangala Agni and Satpol PP alerted to the site to attempt to do the blackout and make anticipation for the fire not spreading.

"In anticipation of expanding flames, the Fire Brigade Unit Satpol PP prepare 6 units of fire trucks. Among them, 4 units Damkar car, 1 unit of water and 1 tank car damkar cars floating tool, "said Hadiono, Head of Forestry Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Plantation Dumai.

Entering the dry season is marked by extreme hot weather is very prone to fire once. Not only caused the burning of land, but also from activities at the plantation can often cause fires.

"In this case, we appealed the people to refrain from activities that could spark a fire burning and make the air hotter weather. Therefore, the blade in Dumai have reached temperatures above normal and very prone to do with fire, "he said.

Karhutla Anticipation has been prepared by lowering the fire brigade members and their monitoring in order to cross check to the field. "I hope can be solved quickly. Karhutla must be dealt with quickly. With the dry land conditions coupled with hot weather accompanied by gusts of wind caused the fire to flare quickly, "he explained.

Mentioned, hot weather has the potential to fuel the source of fire in forest areas and land most of which are structured and flammable peat soil. So that the combustion activity of the community are very prone to cause forest fires and land.

In order to secure the place and the widespread karhutla, a number of officers from the Forestry, Manggalan Agni and Satpol PP has coordinated handle fire fighting. "We have a 6 unit standby damkar car with the number of officials as many as 28 people who descended on site ready to fire," said Head of Pol PP Dumai, H Amril.

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