Submission of 115 remission for prisoners in prisons, Dumai, performed in a series of ceremonies attended by Mayor of Dumai H SH Khairul Anwar, Deputy Mayor of Dumai Dr. H. Agus Widayat MM, Zainal Effendi Legislative Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Legislative Zainal Abidin, Kapolresta Dumai, Kajari, Head PN Dumai and several other board members.
Prison Head Dumai draft of the presentation, explained in accordance with the decision of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Patrialis Akbar, blessing with HUT RI Dumai to 65 in prison, receive sentence remissions of 115 residents and 21 of them built directly encyclopedia.
"The remission or reduction of this detention period, should be assisted to make the citizens better. And for those who have direct free in order to merge with other communities and establish a life in accordance with existing rules, "he said.
He said that, granting remission itself says, is a state award, which is coaching against prisoners in correctional institutions. "Of course with a view kondite good behavior during the first years," he said.
Draft of the presentation reported that prison conditions Dumai is now very over-capacity. Prisons which could only accommodate 132 people, but currently there are as many as 427 people in prisons built. "These conditions make the service is not optimal, because of limited facilities, the vulnerability of security and order," he said.
Mayor of Dumai H Khairul Anwar SH in sambutanya congratulated citizens who have obtained remission coachee. For that prompted them to show good behavior and become even better future.
"Granting Remission is not easy, but as a teaching for the residents who have instituted this target,"said the mayor who read the speech and Human Rights Menkum Patrialis Akbar.
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