Monitoring in the field, the most severe flooding occurred at the end of Jalan Sungai installing, including in Sub-District Kasab Reed, Kelurahan Kota Dumai, Binjai Gulf of District, Sub-District Jaya Mukti including Bumi Ayu. So too in the District of West Dumai, a pool of water seen in Kelurahan STDI, Pangkalan Sesai, Rimba Sekampung.
A number of major roads such as the General Sudriman city from the front office until the next Social Services Bank Syariah Mandiri, Kasim Sultan Sharif on several points, ahead of PT Telkom and installing the River Road. So is the Way forward Sukajadi Umbrella Island market until yesterday afternoon was inundated. So do people such as residential area just behind the Ramayana are also inundated.
One of them named R Simanjuntak (46) at the site said, any rain, although only a few hours, the floods were in the street in place to stay in the Gulf of District Binjai it can not be avoided.
The reason, the position of road that is in the basin so that rain water collects in the central basin and cause flooding. In addition, poor drainage or drainage into the sea. Pooled water does not recede despite rain soon subsided for several hours.
""And this drainage through to the sea. But why is water so slowly receding," he said. Some schoolboy who looks like bajir pooled and SD 014 SD 017. Nevertheless, the learning process still running as usual. Some segments of the main roads were also seen flooded.
Although there is every year, people still believe the flood could still continue to happen as long as there is no serious government to solve the flood problem.
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