For the City of Pekanbaru, the number of people with AIDS reached 257 people. This amount is the largest of all districts / cities in Riau, because there are overall 400 cases of AIDS in Riau.
"The number of people with AIDS is always increasing. Just in Pekanbaru, has recorded about 257 people infected with the disease,'' said Secretary of AIDS Protection Commission (NAC) Pekanbaru Djamaris Djamal told, Monday (30/11).
We confirmed the location on which the deadly virus transmission, Djamaris say, do not have data on the location of the vulnerable Pekanbaru City AIDS transmission.
However, based on data that are owned, the largest AIDS patients came from the age of 20-29 years. ''We can not ensure the transmission of AIDS, because many factors can be the cause of this deadly infectious disease. Based on survey results, in Teleju not found one case,'' he said.
Furthermore he says, for handling, is done by improving hospital services, such as examinations and counseling services AIDS even giving information on various agencies. Both school and community environment.
Meanwhile, Chairman of KPA Pekanbaru Erizal Muluk, Monday (30/11) said, Pekanbaru City community must be able to take anticipatory steps to avoid factors that can cause a deadly virus penularana it.
Vice Mayor of Pekanbaru was also said AIDS issues were Pemko extra attention to immediately overcome with a variety of ways. Both of extension activities, socialization to involve stakeholders in minimizing the spread of AIDS.
Parliament legislative circles in Pekanbaru rate of HIV / AIDS should be intensified tersbut, started increasing outreach conducted in schools to the community.
This was revealed a member of Commission III DPRD Kota Pekanbaru, Wahyudianto who said, HIV / AIDS is heavily, and asked for information about condoms was promoted to excess.
''For the condom promotion, no exaggeration. Due to a certain extent affect about sex,'' he said, Monday (30/11) yesterday.
In addition, he requested the condom manufacturer for not making excessive campaign. So also with the extension, which if done in character education should be closed. Especially to avoid the stigma that condoms as a means of legalizing sex free.
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