This presented representatives from Malakof Corporation, Datuk Joseph to Vice Governor of Riau, H King Mambang Mit, Tuesday (20/10) in Pekanbaru Riau Governor's Office. In the meeting attended by Head of Mining and Energy (Kadistamben) Riau, Abdul Lafiz, Head of Bappeda Riau, Emrizal Pakis.
Vice Governor of Riau, H King Mambang Mit said, Malakof Corporation will conduct a survey at several potential sources of electric power in the district / city in Riau. Their (firm, red), according to wagubri, has expressed willingness to build power plant in Riau.
In the meeting, said wagubri, Riau offers at this Malaysian company to build power plants in the Mouth of Mines, Pranap, Indragiri Hulu (Inhu). This location, he added, is potentially built power plant with a capacity of 2x150 megawatts, with coal fuel.
''It depends on the part of the company from Malaysia only wants to build power plants in the region where. To be sure, we are very pleased with the desire Malakof. Because it can help increase electricity suplay in Riau,''he said to reporters, the age of the meeting.
Kadistamben Riau, Lafiz Abdu, adding, the company supplies electricity in Malaysia approximately 5000 watts. ''We've done coordinating with the Malaysian company. Essentially they took out the construction and operational costs as a whole,'' he said.
Head of Bappeda Riau, said Emrizal Pakis, for the construction of power plants, if it desired from the Malaysian company had to do, whenever they want. ''We are ready to help power plant faslitasi who want to do Malakof Corporation,'' he said.
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