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Sunday, 30 December 2012

Passenger Ferry to Melaka Rises

DUMAI - DumaiToday - A week later the flow of passenger ferry boat from Dumai Melaka purposes has increased. It happened because of the many residents spent the year-end holidays in the neighboring country Malaysia. The increase in the number of passengers reached 50 to 60 percent of a normal day.

For the citizens of Riau, North Sumatra and West Sumatra, Dumai port of choice for travel abroad on the ship. Every morning, most of the passengers on the bus from outside the area went on a trip to Melaka or other cities in the Riau Islands.

The days of plain, Dumai-Melaka route navigable only one ferry every day. Nnamun now become two ships. "The addition of the vessel due to an increase in passengers," said Ayong, manager of PT Lestari Pelnas Indomabahari, ferry companies that sail Indomal Express Dumai-Melaka route.

In the school holidays or the end of the year, passenger flow with the aim of Melaka or Port Klang always soaring. Certainly, their goal is to vacation. With two boats each day, there are at least 400 to 500 residents of this country as opposed to the opposite.

The number of people who want to go abroad are also reflected in the increase paspos creation. When usually at the Immigration Dumai, every day only about 50 applicants, but in recent days the number could reach 150 to 200 people.

Kasi Lalintuskim Immigration Dumai, Herri Concerned said, an increase in the incoming request is significant since one week later. "Application log usually only 50 per day., But since a few days later the number had increased to 150 per day. Fact, there are up to 200 applications," he explained.

He said most of the goals for a passport is for a holiday. "In the holiday season, apply for a passport is increasing," he said.

Spikes, the Immigration optimize service start work at 8:00 to 16:00 pm. Even so, call Herri, it still serves standard operating procedures.(dto)

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