Importance of Islamic Higher Education in the City Dumai encourage the formation of Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Tafaqquh Fiddin under the auspices of the Foundation Tafaqquh Fiddin in 1999. With confirmed by Decree of the Coordinating Kopertais Region XII Number: 05/XII/K/2000 About Licensed Operations, dated 1 April 2000. After running two years, STAI Tafaqquh Fiddin obtain Registered status by decree of the Minister of Religion Number: DJ.II/264/2002, July 12, 2002.
The willingness of the founders of this school to realize a professional religious education in the city of Dumai, cause all the efforts made. In the first period. the foundation with STAI board fought hard to get permits and build the campus.
In an attempt to get the permissions, the long struggle carried out since 1999, has resulted in the issuance of the operating permit by Kopertais Region XII in 2000. Operating permit that was not enough to show eksisitensi STAI, so that in 2002 the foundation again made efforts to get permits listed. Finally in the permit is registered by the Minister of Religious Affairs of the Republic of Indonesia can be bagged STAI-TF.
Discharge permit has not yet registered can calm your heart and squeeze both the foundation and the board STAI. State tuition is always moving from Haj Dormitory Road. Patimura, to Mr. T. Shophouses Said Rahman on Jl. Sukajadi came to Al-bahri MDA Complex IPCs, very heartbreaking and difficult to forget. The situation was a little relieved when finally managed to get the help of the foundation building campus STAI-TF in Riau Province in 2003 budget. Meanwhile, party officials also managed to get a land grant college of the City Dumai 10.000M2 area.
A very comforting state of the founders of this school is when on 20 July 2004 held at Hotel Patra Dumai melaksankan graduation STAI-TF 40 people attended the inaugural graduating class. Where previously the board has done that twice in the House Mella 'munakhasyah' Pekanbaru on April 8, 2003 and at the Hotel Tasia Dumai Queen on January 8, 2004.
Now Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Tafaqquh Fiddin will continue to grow and continue the good fight to fix the quality of services to students, make innovations for development and social purposes. Because STAI Tafaqquh Fiddin present as a response to the needs of religious plural society in the middle of transition and the metropolis.
Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Tafaqquh Fiddin
JL. Utama Karya No. 05 Bukit Batrem
(0765) 4859595
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