When the incident, 15 crew KM Windmill Mas topsy-turvy because of the fire spread quickly from the engine room and then into the body and hull. Of the 15 crew of 14 people survived, and one person until the story was made still in missing status. Dumai Polair ranks continue to conduct search and rescue vessels.
Location of Windmill Mas KM fire was half a mile from the beach Dumai. In fire conditions is pulled into the harbor dock KM Dumai port border with TPI Purnama, or adjacent to the port of Dumai-Rupat Roro. According to the owner of KM, Ahmadi, losses totaled 2 billion more.
Twelve crew identity KM 15 Windmill is the M Ilham Bin Daeng (28) as skipper, with street addresses Power Dumai; Liem Hok Seng aka moldy (55) head length Strait address the engine room, now she is still missing. Furthermore, Tano Aguan Alias (25) positions boat owner, address Rintis Strait Long Road; Riki Trinaldi (25) as a sailor, Selatpanjang address; M Agus (30) helmsman, is located at Jalan Dumai Admiral Datok; Sofian Hadi (27) ABK / oil man, is located at Jalan Bunga Tanjung Dumai; Sadri (25) ABK Sekodi Village Bengkalis origin; Budi Santoso (29) ABK, Tanjung Balai Asahan origin; Erwin Saputra (26) ABK, origin Tanjungbalai shavings; Legion (26) crew from Central Java ; Bambang (31) chef, home Tanjungbalai shavings; Angiat Ambarita (23) ABK; Paulotu Pasaribu (32) ABK Dumai origin; Hengki (30) ABK Orange Road Dumai origin; and the hook (25) ABK origin Tanjung Balai Asahan.
Dumai Kapolresta AKBP Hersadwi Rusdiono who was accompanied by visible Polair PPA Abdulah Hariri and Kanit Gakkum Polair Dumai Aiptu Iskandar explains, the fire was also caused all the cargo ship was burned. One person crew on behalf of residents Selatpanjang Liem Hok Seng, has not been found. Fire until yesterday evening, Tuesday (18 / 5), yet can be turned off, but the situation in a safe and controlled waters. Mas Windmill KLM position currently on the beach Dock Yard.
''We continue to do security at the scene. Until late this afternoon (yesterday, red) vessel fire smoke was still visible. Suspicion of fire coming from the KM engine room, then fire to burn the ship,'' said Abdulah visible Polair PPA Hariri on Tuesday.
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t turned out that the goods are transported not only food but are branded goods which are smuggled and will be brought to Jakarta. This can be evidenced by the number of branded goods are sold cheaply by the local community. As an example of branded Bags Women Bonia the sale price above Rp. 1 million sold at a price of Rp. 20 000. I myself bought brand Crocodile belt with a price 20 000 rupiah, but if you buy at the store cost about Rp.300 thousand. The legend says that these items belonged to officials in Jakarta.
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